Scale Beyond 100K with a Freaking Fantastic Book that makes you your readers' Heroine →

The Book Mapping 1:1 Hybrid Program is for empowered women entrepreneurs who are ready to scale past 6-figures, get on more stages, and get more clients with a book they're proud to put their name and quirkiest headshot on.

You've grown a business from nothing to 6-figures and the imposter syndrome has finally started to zip it, and now you're ready to step up and out even bigger. EVEN BETTER.

You've got a hell of a powerful message, framework, or modality that could change thousands of lives for the better, and you want to be known for this amazing work (so it's time to REALLY be visible!).

You're ready to get on more stages (and get paid for it!), book more high-ticket clients, add more revenue to your business, get your name out there in a bigger (maybe even an international!) way, and maybe even step into real, authentic, valuable thought leadership.

You want a powerful, evergreen marketing asset that can do some of the heavy lifting for you, getting you in front of more eyes without having to clone yourself.

Then, my friend, you're ready to map out & create your brand-building book.

A book that takes readers on a transformational journey, leading them from where they are right now, to where they want to be (and making YOU their heroine).

A book that is WORTH the sticker price and delivers value, cements your status as an expert in your niche, and gets enthusiastically recommended by your readers so often that their friends and family start telling them to shut up.

Book Map = Imagine a basically paint-by-number road map to writing a freaking great, industry-defining book.

And you're a busy gal, with a successful business to run, so how about doing it without:

Spending months of your life creating a first draft that you're really excited about, only to learn when you send it off to an editor that it needs a complete rewrite.

Writing the whole thing and then it doesn't even align to your business or appeal to your ideal clients because the angle wasn't quite right or you didn't fill the right market gap (this happens so often).

Having to hire a ghostwriter (which can set you back $13K-$50K for one book—yes, really).

But instead, learning how to write a book the right way, getting most of your marketing content ready before you even finish the book so you have less to do when you're done, following a process that can make it way easier and way quicker, and doing it all with the deep-breath-releasing confidence that you've got an expert in your corner to help you do this RIGHT.

That's Book Mapping. And that's what I like to call a GPS to authentic, advantageous, awesome authorhood.

I get it. You've thought about writing a book, but you see all the crap that gets put on Amazon and... that is so not you.

You know your stuff. You're worth a GOOD book. You're empowered. You want a book that you'll be excited to show off and that can actually help you scale your business (instead of wasting your time).

And you're not sure you can get a book deal, so you've pushed it down your to-do list a bit.

But this is your year.

Maybe you've heard it takes a lot of time (that you don't have because, well, you're running a business).

Maybe they've told you it's not financially "worth it" unless you get a 6-figure book deal (which is so rare, and yet people are still making tons off their books) or if you don't want to do speaking.

Maybe you've just not known exactly where to start, and while you're the go-getter type of gal who can take good info and run with it, you'd still like to know what you're doing before you jump in (so you don't waste tons of time).

If you have built a B2B or B2C coaching, consulting, speaking, or workshop business to 100K (or close to it)...

And you've served happy clients who truly benefited from your work...

And used those experiences to refine your methods, frameworks, and modalities to be EVEN BETTER and to help people EVEN MORE...

Then, girl, you're ready to write a book you can be known for (and that can bring you more revenue, higher-ticket clients, and more OPPORTUNITIES).

"worth every penny!"

"Working with Holly has opened my eyes to how much I didn't know about writing a book! As someone who creates written content daily, I thought, "How hard can it be to turn this into a book?" I was wrong—totally wrong. Holly has simplified the process, and I am finally submitting chapters to my publisher with ease. 

What's even better is that she is one of the most knowledgeable people I've met regarding how to write a book. Take my word for it: if you’ve got a message to share but have never written a book before, you need Holly. She will save you hours and hours of lost time and frustration. 

Holly is the answer you didn't know you needed to finally complete your book, and working with her is worth every penny! If you get the chance, don't hesitate—hire Holly today."

Kendrick Shope
Founder/CEO Authentic Selling

Hey, I'm Holly

I'm a book coach for 6-figure + women entrepreneurs who want to scale their businesses (the easier way), get on more stages (that pay them!), and become THE voice to listen to in their niche. 

I help them write, publish, and sell life-changing books that can become powerful, evergreen marketing assets in their businesses and help them scale in a sustainable way.

Consectetur adipiscing elit

Dolores neque adipisci quo

Nihil est sit quo maxime

Dicta sed dignissimos est sunt

And I don't believe in shitty books.

Or that GOOD books should take YEARS to write.

When a business acquaintance told me "Oh I'd love to write a book but I don't have time for it," ... I refined my process to make it as close to paint-by-numbers as possible (without writing a trite, template-y book) so business owners could get all the juicy benefits of having a great book to their name, without losing valuable time on fluff.

When a speaker I met at a coffee shop told me that the only money in books is for people like Gabby Bernstein, Oprah, and Michelle Obama... I spent a week collecting real, authentic data on all the (many!) ways real people make real money from books (without needing a 6-figure advance from a traditional publisher) and taught it to a client who created and sold out a workshop in 2 days.

When I saw an ad for one of those "write a book in a weekend" courses... I adjusted my 1:1 process to meet busy women entrepreneurs where they're at so that they could have a published book as quickly as possible... because a GREAT book can't be written in a weekend (but the first draft can!)

When a YouTube video popped up promising to show me how to make $1000 per month on "low content" books on KDP... I instead planned out a VALUABLE companion workbook with a 1:1 client so that not only would she have a book that's not going to ruin her reputation, but she'd have an asset that nurtured more leads into her funnel (because how many times have you been infuriated after buying an ebook and realizing it's trash?). Because EMPOWERED ENTREPRENEURS don't waste their time hogging server space with their fast-cash-grab "journals".

Of course, I also screeched into the void like a rabid pterodactyl first, but we all have our triggers.

Mine is people writing bad books because they didn't know how to do it differently. (And bro marketing.)

But I teach book writing, book publishing, and book marketing differently. I believe writing a book should be fun, rewarding, repeatable, and that if you can talk, you can write.

The way I do Nonfiction Books is totally different from what you've seen. It's Heroic.

It allows you to take what you're already great at... and turn it into a unique, sexy, thought-provoking book that builds intrigue in everyone who sees it.

It guides you through a process that gets you EVEN CLEARER on the fantastic work you already do (and I've heard multiple times that going through this framework made coaches BETTER at their coaching and consultants BETTER at their consulting).

It helps you write a book that not only attracts book-buyers, but also attracts upsell-buyers into your high-ticket programs (because they're so excited by and confident in you, from your book).

It allows you to create a TRANSFORMATIONAL JOURNEY for your reader, that meets them where they are now and guides them to where you want them to be, so that they feel like you're their heroine, and they become life-long fans.

It allows you to take your ideas and drive that bad boy from Messy Ideaville straight over to Masterpiece City without you getting tangled up in detours and road closings (and that means you get to the finish line faster).

It allows me to write books (under my secret pen name!) in just a few weeks, bringing in hundreds of extra dollars per month in easy royalties.

And other people agree, too...

One client used their book to land speaking engagements all over the country, when they'd previously only been able to book them in their own town.

Another 1:1 client found the process SO EASY that after we mapped out their book together, they were able to draft it out in THREE DAYS, after having been stalled for over 6 months and in danger of losing their high-five-figure publishing deal. (It was safe in the end!)

Another client worked with me to plan out a unique launch for their book and was able to sell out a workshop based on their book before it even launched — with organizers chomping at the bit to buy the book, too!

And of course, the multiple clients who launched their books and made at least $5K in sales the first month, with steady sales thereafter, with very little marketing work needed on their part after the book got moving.

96% of entrepreneurs who write a book say that it has had "a significant positive impact on their businesses".

Ya can't really argue with stats like that.

But you can argue with bad books.

Here's what I see in nearly every single client's book manuscripts, outlines, and even their ideas for the book to begin with:

They write introductions and first chapters that completely ruin their chances of converting readers into buyers because they say the wrong stuff or they bore them to death. (Nonfiction, like fiction, still has to be entertaining).

They write the WRONG book—attracting the wrong readers, or readers who can't make the jump from finding the book valuable to finding your one-on-one or speaking work valuable.

They have no idea how to teach someone a skillset in a book, which is different from how you teach them in live feeds and courses.

They structure their book in a way that their readers can't inherently follow and learn from, leading to DNF'd ("Did not finish") books on Goodreads bookshelves.

They either write a 150-page "sales page" for their high-ticket program (completely alienating and annoying their readers) OR they give away the WRONG stuff (leading readers to think they've learned everything they need from them).

They try to write a book with ChatGPT (), which ends up being a real embarrassment when they're called out for it (and we all know how important our reputations are—just ask Taylor).

They pick the wrong book covers, wrong titles, wrong subtitles, wrong descriptions, and wrong Amazon/BISAC categories, leading to flopped launches and disappointing sales.

It's usually several of those things, and I've never worked with anyone who didn't miss at least one.

And all that matters.

Because a well-written book can be the thing to make scaling BEYOND 100K a whole lot easier.

Until you know the scaffolding that holds up great nonfiction books that can convert readers into buyers...

 Until you can confidently plan your chapters and lessons in an order that readers can not only learn from, but also hypes them up to KEEP learning...

 Until you can translate your 6-figure work into a $15 paperback that STILL has the capability to bring in thousands of $$$ per year...

 Until you can build a BRAND around your book and the impactful message, framework, modality, or processes you share within it...

 Until you can squeeze your expertise into the tiny spot that the market is hungry for someone to fill, and that ALSO serves as a marketing asset leading directly to YOUR business goals...

Then you haven't got a map for your book.

And without a map, the road's tough.

It takes more than a self-paced course to learn how to write a great book.

So under almost every video training lesson, you have specific homework assignments to hold you accountable to the program and keep you on track (without the overwhelm). 

AND under the modules that are heavy on the content-focused training, you can submit your homework to get my feedback on your work (so you can make sure you've got the right north star before you write a whole book in the "wrong direction"). You have 6 weeks of access to this support!

Plus, when you join now, you get hands-on Book Map support on private calls to review your work and ensure you're implementing what you learn correctly.

Good books aren't created in a vacuum. And that's why I offer this program as a hybrid 1:1, so you can create the best book possible for you.

Inside the 3 modules, you'll learn...
Module 1

prepping to write your book right the first time

The first module takes you through everything you need to do BEFORE you write your book. A lot of people skip this step and then they regret it when they get to an editor and realize their book needs to be completely rewritten. 

So step 1 is, getting your book setup for success before you even write a single word. This is where the magic begins. I’ll show you how to: 

Clarify your book topic with laser precision, aligning it perfectly with your business goals and reader appeal

Master the art of reverse-engineering a book that WORKS for your business (which means, no more guesswork!)

Discover the secrets to helping your book market itself (imagine the time and money you'll save!)

And you’ll get access to my exclusive book mapping template — it's like if a project manager and an organizational guru had a very pretty book writing baby together 

And this module takes all the mystery out of "How do I even do this?" in just a little over an hour. 

So, the thing is, most people write books backwards. They start with the contents of the book, and then try to figure out how to sell it afterwards. This module is a roadmap that’ll help you create your marketing and sales content right from the start. And even better? Having that crafted makes writing your book next super easy and super quick. It saves you countless hours—and money—on your book writing project. 

If you don’t plan your book the right way, then you’ll have a really hard time selling it later on, but doing it this way makes it easier to write and easier to sell right from the beginning.

That's why we start with this step, and if you do this right, you can save yourself weeks, or even months, of frustration, just with a day or so of prep.
Module 2

planning your book to take readers on a journey that makes them feel like you're their heroine

The module builds on what you just did in Module 1 and expands it into the actual plan, or design, for your book. This is where your book really takes shape and in this module, you’ll: 

Learn insider tricks to finding the perfect 'Comps' for your book, positioning it for maximum market impact

Learn how to create a transformational journey for your reader, so you can turn them into raving fans who can't wait to work with you 

Discover my secret sauce - Purpose Points - that keep readers glued to every page (it's like having a hidden persuasion expert in your book!) 

No one I know has ever taught that nonfiction books need this framework, which is why a lot of books that people thought would do well—including many celebrity and influencer books that I won’t name—end up flopping. 

What we do here is based on years of work and thousands of hours reading hundreds of books to find the hidden scaffolding of the 5-star commercial nonfiction books.
Module 3

penning that book! (but doing it the easiest way possible)

In this module, it’s time to bring your book to life. But I’m not going to just drop you into the deep end and say “Okay, go write your book now!” No. We keep things easy here because I’m in my gentle-business era and I want that for everyone I work with, too — if they want it anyway! Some people really just like hustling! 

But in Module 3, you’re going to: 

Choose the best apps and resources to make writing a breeze (even if you've never written before) 

Learn how to create a stress-free writing ritual that gets your book done quickly and anxiety-free 

Discover what to write first to ensure you deliver on your book's promise (and make the whole process super easy) 

Master techniques that make writing effortless, even if you don't consider yourself a 'writer' — Spoiler: If you can talk, you can write. 

Learn how to use your Book Map to make writing the book basically paint-by-numbers 

Get the insider scoop on what to do once your first draft is complete

This brings it all together, allowing you to write your book and feel confident that it's gonna be a good one.

The program has 3 pre-recorded modules and over 4 hours of content in the program and it’s designed to take you from start to finish to writing a damn good book.

This program takes you from Messy Idea-ville to Masterpiece City, covering all the steps and skills you need to write a great, brand-building book in less time.

and when you join now, you'll get these bonuses included when you actively participate in the program

bonus #1
Exclusive Facebook Group
This is a new one that I’m really excited for because it’s going to be a game changer. The program is now hosted in a private Facebook group where you can receive personal feedback on your homework assignments, ask clarifying questions, or do quick brainstorms with me for the first 6 weeks you're in the program

This is a fantastic way to get quick feedback so you stay on the right track. You’re welcome to submit assignments and get feedback for 4 weeks after the date of your purchase, but after that, your ability to get feedback expires—I want you to succeed, and this will light a fire under you to help you do just that. (Value: $997)

bonus #2
A Private 1:1 "Top-Dollar Topic" Clarity Call
After you complete your Module 1 (Planning) homework assignments, you can hop on a private, 20-minute Zoom with me to really nail your exact topic angle so that you write a book that not only supports your business goals, but also sliiiiides itself into the right market gap to attract readers.

bonus #3
A Private 1:1 "All Roads Lead to You" Book Mapping Call
After you complete your Module 2 (Prepping) homework assignments, you can hop on a private, 20-minute Zoom with me to go over your completed Book Map together, so that I can get inside your book and help you get your content in the right order to create transformation for your readers BEFORE you start writing.

With over 4 hours of content, 6 weeks of homework support inside the Facebook Group, and 2 private 1:1 laser-focused calls, this is hybrid 1:1 program is worth over $3500.

But you get this bad boy for only $1497.

Imagine landing just ONE five-figure speaking gig or ONE high-ticket client after they read your book.
So what kind of Entrepreneurial Heroine is this for?

You're a female (or feminine-aligned, queer, or nonbinary) entrepreneur who's built up her business into a 6-figure business, or is getting super close to that at around $70K or more per year.

You help other people in the B2B or B2C sphere, as a coach, consultant, speaker, or workshop host with a truly tangible, and authentically helpful modality, framework, or method that you've developed (not affiliate marketing).

You're ready to diversify your revenue with a hard-working business asset that you can create ONCE and it truly remains evergreen.

You want to write commercial nonfiction — think: thought leadership, how to, business, leadership, finance, self-help/personal growth, spiritual and manifesting (with how to aspects to them), and even storytelling cookbooks.

Who is This NOT For?
This isn't the right thing for you to focus on if you haven't started a business yet, or your business is not bringing in clients already. You need this experience first before writing your best book.
This isn't right for you if you're planning to write a novel (fiction), academic or scientific nonfiction, or if you're writing a memoir that doesn't come with actionable lessons and action steps for your readers (these "straight memoirs" are written differently than "hybrid memoirs" which has a "how to" focus to it). Hybrid memoirs are welcome!
This program teaches you how to write the book. It doesn't include content on publishing or promoting (which are separate programs). I like to let you "build your own adventure, and only pay for what you need!).
This isn't for you if you want to write a book with A.I. 
Can I Do a Payment Plan?
I know you're empowered, so I'm giving you empowered options. The best and quickest way to get started is to choose a standard pay-in-full option.

If you'd like to spread the payments out, you can instead choose a 2-payment "pre-payment" option, and the best part is... this comes with ZERO "interest" that you usually see on payment plans. Yep, if you choose this option, you'll get the exact same price as if you paid in full, and you'll still get all your bonuses listed here, but you'll just start your program AFTER you've made both of your payments.

Super easy and you don't get penalized for needing to break it up!
Frequently Asked Questions
  • When does the program start?
    You will receive access to the Facebook Group with all the teaching modules after you complete your onboarding. The modules are all pre-recorded and released at once (no "drip") so you can binge to your heart's content. Your 6-weeks of feedback with me begins the Monday following your full payment and onboarding unless discussed prior to purchase. This starts your 6 weeks of support. You will schedule your bonus calls during onboarding.
  • How long is the program?
    Your program support is for 6 consecutive weeks. Once your contracted support period is complete, you'll be able to stay in the Facebook Group community where the modules are held, and re-watch the trainings as often as you like, but you won't be able to receive additional feedback or consulting from Holly past the 6 weeks contracted period.
  • How is the program delivered?
    The modules are self-paced and cover a bit more than 4 hours of training content. You can choose to binge this all at once or go at a slower pace (although I encourage you to go through the trainings within the first 2 weeks so you can take the most advantage from your 6 weeks of in-group support).
  • What if I don't use Facebook?
    At this time, the program is hosted only in a private Facebook Group so that I'm able to deliver the level of support that my clients and customers deserve. If you don't use Facebook, and you aren't willing to do so for this program, then this isn't the right fit for you. But don't worry—I'd be happy to recommend a few other folks I trust!
  • Do I have lifetime access?
    You have "life of the program" access, which means that you will have access so long as the content in the program is still relevant and being sold publicly, and so long as the Facebook Group is active (and Meta hasn't done something weird with it), and so long as I am in business. I have no intentions of closing the program or my business at this time, but I can't promise it'll be around forever since I don't own the platform it's hosted on. You have guaranteed access through the end of your contract, and I do recommend you put this into action as soon as possible to get the best results.
  • Am I a good fit?
    If you're an empowered woman (or fem) entrepreneur who has a successful 100K business with a proven system (thanks to your past happy clients), then you're in the right place. You also need to be writing a book specifically for your business—as in, a commercial nonfiction book along the lines of business, self-help/personal development, thought leadership, how to, etc.
  • Can I do a payment plan?
    The best option is to pay in full. The second best option is to do a "pre-payment". This means that you can break your payment into 2 payments, a month apart, but you won't be able to join the program or access any of the training, bonuses, or support, until your program is paid in full. You can choose your preferred option at checkout below.
  • What happens after I purchase?
    You will receive a receipt for your purchase and I will follow up the next business day (or sooner if I'm at my desk) with your contract. Please sign and return the contract within 24 hours to avoid any delay in your program start or proration of your 6-weeks of support. Once you return the contract, it'll start your onboarding where you can book any bonus 1:1 calls and fill out your onboarding form, where you will tell me about your book. This is REQUIRED to receive support in the Facebook group because I need to know what you're writing to provide adequate support. You will have 6 weeks of support from me after purchase.
  • What if I need support with publishing and/or promoting and marketing my book?
    You'll have opportunities to check out my other programs and 1:1 support for these! Let's pace ourselves!
  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($1497.00)$1497.00
  • Preferred option
    PRE-PAYMENT to start in 2 months (2x $748.50)2x $748.50

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xNonfiction Book Mapping Program$0

All prices in USD


As with any personal growth program your results with The Book Map may vary from these consumer testimonials. Your results will be based on variables such as your level of effort, personal qualities, knowledge,

skills, and a host of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, Books & Alchemy cannot

guarantee your success or results, nor is Books & Alchemy responsible for your success or failure. The Book Map is not a “magic bullet” for writing your book. It takes effort and dedication. Books & Alchemy provides you with a blueprint to write your book and these students agree. Copyright 2017-2024 Books & Alchemy LLC — All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy